def check_uva_userid2(what):
	# returns True if the passed parameter is a valid UVA userid, else False

	state_table = [ 
		# from each state, where to go on an 'l', 'd', and 'o', respectively
		[], # we numbered our states from 1, so we burn spot 0
		[2,    None, None], # state 1 goes to 2 on a letter
		[3,    None, None], # state 2 goes to 3 on a letter
		[4,    5,    None], # state 3 goes to 4 on a letter and 5 on a digit
		[None, 5,    None], # state 4 goes to 5 on a digit
		[6,    None, None], # state 5 goes to 6 on a letter
		[7,    None, None], # state 6 goes to 7 on a letter
		[8,    None, None], # state 7 goes to 8 on a letter
		[None, None, None], # no transitions out of state 8
	final_states = [3, 4, 6, 7, 8]

	chars = list(what.lower())
	state = 1
	while len(chars) > 0:
		# which is whether it's a letter (0), digit (1), or other (2)
		which = 0 if chars[0].isalpha() else 1 if chars[0].isdigit() else 2
		# get the state transition, and verify it's not None
		next_state = state_table[state][which]
		if next_state is None: return False
		# transition to that state and pop the input character
		state = next_state

	# we should have ended in a final state
	return state in final_states
