CS 3100

Data Structures and Algorithms 2

Dynamic Programming






Aaron Bloomfield (aaron@virginia.edu)
Raymond Pettit (raymond.pettit@virginia.edu)
@github | |



Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14

Warm Up


\(2 \times n\) board with dominoes?


How many ways to tile this:

With these?

For example:


Warm Up

How many ways are there to tile a \(2 \times n\) board with dominoes?

Two ways to fill the final column:



\[Tile(0) = 1\] \[Tile(1) = 1\] \[Tile(n) = Tile(n-1) + Tile(n-2)\]

How to compute \(Tile(n)\)?

    if n < 2:
        return 1
    return Tile(n-1) + Tile(n-2)



Recursion Tree

BST five Tile(5) four Tile(4) five->four threea Tile(3) five->threea threeb Tile(3) four->threeb twoa Tile(2) four->twoa twob Tile(2) threea->twob onea Tile(1) threea->onea twoc Tile(2) threeb->twoc oneb Tile(1) threeb->oneb onec Tile(1) twoa->onec zeroa Tile(0) twoa->zeroa oned Tile(1) twob->oned zerob Tile(0) twob->zerob onee Tile(1) twoc->onee zeroc Tile(0) twoc->zeroc

Recursion Tree

BST2 five Tile(5) four Tile(4) five->four threea Tile(3) five->threea threeb Tile(3) four->threeb twoa Tile(2) four->twoa twob Tile(2) threea->twob onea Tile(1) threea->onea twoc Tile(2) threeb->twoc oneb Tile(1) threeb->oneb onec Tile(1) twoa->onec zeroa Tile(0) twoa->zeroa oned Tile(1) twob->oned zerob Tile(0) twob->zerob onee Tile(1) twoc->onee zeroc Tile(0) twoc->zeroc

Many redundant calls!

Run time: \(\Theta(1.6^n)\)

Better way: Use Memory!

Computing \(Tile(n)\) with memory

Initialize memory M
    if n < 2:
        return 1
    if M[n] is filled:
        return M[n]
    M[n] = Tile(n-1)+Tile(n-2)
    return M[n]


Technique: memoization (note no ‘r’)

Computing \(Tile(n)\) with memory

Initialize memory M
    if n < 2:
        return 1
    if M[n] is filled:
        return M[n]
    M[n] = Tile(n-1)+Tile(n-2)
    return M[n]
1 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
5 4
8 5
13 6

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?



Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory

Generic Divide and Conquer Solution

  • def myDCalgo(problem):
    • if baseCase(problem):
      • solution = solve(problem)  
      • return solution
    • for subproblem of problem: # After dividing
      • subsolutions.append(myDCalgo(subproblem))
    • solution = Combine(subsolutions)
    • return solution

Generic Top-Down DP Solution

  • def myDCalgo(problem):
    • if baseCase(problem):
      • solution = solve(problem)  
      • return solution
    • for subproblem of problem:
      • subsolutions.append(myDPalgo(subproblem))
    • solution = OptimalSubstructure(subsolutions)
    • return solution

Generic Top-Down DP Solution

  • mem = {}
  • def myDCalgo(problem):
    • if mem[problem] not blank:
      • return mem[problem]
    • if baseCase(problem):
      • solution = solve(problem)  
      • mem[problem] = solution
      • return solution
    • for subproblem of problem: # After dividing
      • subsolutions.append(myDPalgo(subproblem))
    • solution = OptimalSubstructure(subsolutions)
    • mem[problem] = solution
    • return solution

Computing \(Tile(n)\) with memory “Top Down”

Initialize memory M
    if n < 2:
        return 1
    if M[n] is filled:
        return M[n]
    M[n] = Tile(n-1)+Tile(n-2)
    return M[n]


Recursive calls happen in a predictable order

1 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
5 4
8 5
13 6

Computing \(Tile(n)\) with memory “Bottom Up”

    Initialize memory M
    M[0] = 1
    M[1] = 1
    for i = 2 to n:
      M[i] = M[i-1] + M[i-2]
    return M[n]


Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

More on Optimal Substructure Property

  • Detailed discussion on CLRS p. 379
    • If A is an optimal solution to a problem, then the components of A are optimal solutions to subproblems
  • Examples (we’ll see these come up later):
    • True for coin-changing
    • True for single-source shortest path
    • True for knapsack problem

Log Cutting

Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14, specifically 14.1

Log Cutting

Find the best way to cut the log, given a log of length \(n\) and
a list (of length \(n\)) of prices \(P\) where \(P[i]\) is the price of a cut of size \(i\)

Price: 1 5 8 9 10 17 17 20 24 30
Length: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  • Select a list of lengths \(\ell_1, \ldots, \ell_k\) such that:
    • \(\sum\ell_i=n\) to maximize \(\sum\color{blue}{P[\ell_i]}\)

Brute force: \(O(2^n)\)

Greedy Algorithm

Greedy algorithms build a solution by picking the best option “right now”

  • Select the most profitable cut first
Price: 1 18 24 36 50 50
Length: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Greedy: Lengths: 5, 1

Profit: 51

Better: Lengths: 2, 4

Profit: 54

Greedy Algorithm

Greedy algorithms build a solution by picking the best option “right now”

  • Select the “most bang for your buck”
    • (best price / length ratio)
Price: 1 18 24 36 50 50
Length: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Greedy: Lengths: 5, 1

Profit: 51

Better: Lengths: 2, 4

Profit: 54

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

1. Identify Recursive Substructure

\(P[i] =\) value of a cut of length \(i\)

\(Cut(n)=\) value of best way to cut a log of length \(n\)

\[{\color{magenta}Cut(n)} = \max \begin{cases} {\color{magenta}Cut(n-1)} + \color{blue}{P[1]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(n-2)} + \color{blue}{P[2]} \\ \color{black}{\ldots} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(0)} + \color{blue}{P[n]} \end{cases}\]



best way to cut a log of length \(n-\ell_k\)

last cut

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

3. Select a Good Order for Solving Subproblems

Solve Smallest subproblem first

Cut(i): 0
Length: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Select a Good Order for Solving Subproblems

Solve Smallest subproblem first

Cut(i): 0
Length: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Select a Good Order for Solving Subproblems

Solve Smallest subproblem first

\[{\color{magenta}Cut(2)} = \max \begin{cases} {\color{magenta}Cut(1)} + \color{blue}{P[1]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(0)} + \color{blue}{P[2]} \\ \end{cases}\]
Cut(i): 0
Length: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Select a Good Order for Solving Subproblems

Solve Smallest subproblem first

\[{\color{magenta}Cut(3)} = \max \begin{cases} {\color{magenta}Cut(2)} + \color{blue}{P[1]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(1)} + \color{blue}{P[2]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(0)} + \color{blue}{P[3]} \\ \end{cases}\]
Cut(i): 0
Length: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Select a Good Order for Solving Subproblems

Solve Smallest subproblem first

\[{\color{magenta}Cut(4)} = \max \begin{cases} {\color{magenta}Cut(3)} + \color{blue}{P[1]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(2)} + \color{blue}{P[2]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(1)} + \color{blue}{P[3]} \\ {\color{magenta}Cut(0)} + \color{blue}{P[4]} \\ \end{cases}\]
Cut(i): 0
Length: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Log Cutting Pseudocode

  • Initialize Memory profit
  • Cut(n):
    • profit[0] = 0
    • for i=1 to n: // log size
      • best = 0
      • for j = 1 to i: // last cut
        • best = max(best, profit[i-j] + P[j])
      • profit[i] = best
    • return profit[n]

Run time: \(O(n^2)\)

How to find the cuts?


  • This procedure told us the profit, but not the cuts themselves
  • Idea: remember the choice that you made, then backtrack

Remember the choice made

  • Initialize Memory profit, choices
  • Cut(n):
    • profit[0] = 0
    • for i=1 to n: // log size
      • best = 0
      • for j = 1 to i: // last cut
        • if best < profit[i-j] + P[j]:
          • best = profit[i-j] + P[j]
          • choices[i] = j // gives the size of the last cut
        • profit[i] = best
    • return profit[n]

Reconstruct the Cuts

  • Backtrack through the choices
Choices: 0 1 1 2 4 3 4 1 2 4 3
Length: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Example to demo Choices[] only.
Profit of 20 is not optimal!

Backtracking Pseudocode

This is similar to the back link in Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm


  • i = n
  • while i > 0:
    • print choices[i]
    • i = i - choices[i]

Our Example: Getting Optimal Solution

Prices: 1 5 8 9 10 17 17 20 24 30
Length: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
profit[i] 0 1 5 8 10 13 17 18 22 25 30
choice[i] 0 1 2 3 2 2 6 1 2 3 10
  • If \(n\) were 5
    • Best score is 13
    • Cut at choice[n]=2, then cut at
      choice[n-choice[n]]= choice[5-2]= choice[3]=3
  • If \(n\) were 7
    • Best score is 18
    • Cut at 1, then cut at 6

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Matrix Chaining

Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14, specifically 14.2


How many arithmetic operations are required to multiply a \(n \times m\) matrix by a \(m \times p\) matrix?

(don’t overthink this)

\(\times\)  \(m\)


  • \(m\) multiplications and \(m-1\) additions per element
  • \(n \cdot p\) elements to compute
  • Total cost: \(O(m \cdot n \cdot p)\)

Matrix Chaining

  • Given a sequence of matrices (\(M_1, M_2, \ldots, M_n\)), what is the most efficient way to multiply them?
\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(\times\)  \(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(\times\)  \(r_3\) \(M_3\)
\(\times\)  \(r_4\) \(M_4\)

Order Matters!

\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(r_3\) \(M_3\)


  • Note that \(c_1=r_2\) and \(c_2=r_3\)
  • \((\)\(M_1\) \(\times\) \(M_2\)\()\) \(\times\) \(M_3\)
    • uses \(c_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot c_2\) + \(c_2 \cdot r_1 \cdot c_3\) multiplications

Order Matters!

\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(r_3\) \(M_3\)
  • Note that \(c_1=r_2\) and \(c_2=r_3\)
  • \(M_1\) \(\times\) \((\)\(M_2\) \(\times\) \(M_3\)\()\)
    • uses \(c_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot c_3\) + \(c_2 \cdot r_2 \cdot c_3\) multiplications

Order Matters!

  • Note that \(c_1=r_2\) and \(c_2=r_3\)
  • \((\)\(M_1\) \(\times\) \(M_2\)\()\) \(\times\) \(M_3\)
    • uses \(c_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot c_2\) + \(c_2 \cdot r_1 \cdot c_3\) multiplications
    • \(10 \cdot 7 \cdot 20 + 20 \cdot 7 \cdot 8 = 2520\)
  • \(M_1\) \(\times\) \((\)\(M_2\) \(\times\) \(M_3\)\()\)
    • uses \(c_1 \cdot r_1 \cdot c_3\) + \(c_2 \cdot r_2 \cdot c_3\) multiplications
    • \(10 \cdot 7 \cdot 8 + 20 \cdot 10 \cdot 8 = 2160\)
  • \(M_1=7 \times 10\)
  • \(M_2=10 \times 20\)
  • \(M_3 = 20 \times 8\)


  • \(c_1=10\)
  • \(c_2=20\)
  • \(c_3=8\)
  • \(r_1=7\)
  • \(r_2=10\)
  • \(r_3=20\)

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Best(1,n)\) = cheapest way to mult together \(M_1\) through \(M_n\)

  • Let \(k\) be the last multiplication that is made
    • \(k\) represents the \(\times\) symbol after matrix \(M_k\)
  • For \(Best(1,10)\), if \(k=5\), then:
    • We first multiply \(M_1\) through \(M_5\) together
    • We then multiply \(M_6\) through \(M_10\) together
    • Lastly, we multiply those two results together
  • Formally, for \(Best(i,j)\):
    • We multiply \(M_i\) through \(M_k\)
    • We multiply \(M_{k+1}\) through \(M_j\)
    • We multiply those two results together

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Best(1,n)\) = cheapest way to mult together \(M_1\) through \(M_n\)

\[\color{magenta}{Best(1,4)} = \min \begin{cases} \color{magenta}{Best(2,4)} + r_1r_2c_4 \\ \ this formula is hidden \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\]
\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(\times\)  \(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(\times\)  \(r_3\) \(M_3\)
\(\times\)  \(r_4\) \(M_4\)

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Best(1,n)\) = cheapest way to mult together \(M_1\) through \(M_n\)

\[Best(1,4) = \min \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)}+{\color{magenta}Best(2,4)} + r_1r_2c_4 \\ \ \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\]
\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(\times\)  \(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(\times\)  \(r_3\) \(M_3\)
\(\times\)  \(r_4\) \(M_4\)

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Best(1,n)\) = cheapest way to mult together \(M_1\) through \(M_n\)

\[Best(1,4) = \min \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)}+{\color{magenta}Best(2,4)} + r_1r_2c_4 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,4)} + r_1r_3c_4 \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\]
\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(\times\)  \(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(\times\)  \(r_3\) \(M_3\)
\(\times\)  \(r_4\) \(M_4\)

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Best(1,n)\) = cheapest way to mult together \(M_1\) through \(M_n\)

\[Best(1,4) = \min \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)}+{\color{magenta}Best(2,4)} + r_1r_2c_4 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,4)} + r_1r_3c_4 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,3)} + {\color{magenta}Best(4,4)} + r_1r_4c_4 \\ \end{cases}\]
\(r_1\) \(M_1\)
\(\times\)  \(r_2\) \(M_2\)
\(\times\)  \(r_3\) \(M_3\)
\(\times\)  \(r_4\) \(M_4\)

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

In general:

\(Best(i,j)\) = cheapest way to multiply together \(M_i\) through \(M_j\)

\(Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)


\(Best(1,n) = \min \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,n)} + r_1r_2c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,n)} + r_1r_3c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,3)} + {\color{magenta}Best(4,n)} + r_1r_4c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,4)} + {\color{magenta}Best(5,n)} + r_1r_5c_n \\ \ldots \\ {\color{green}Best(1,n-1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(n,n)} + r_1r_nc_n \\ \end{cases}\)

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

2. Save Subsolutions in Memory

In general:

\(Best(i,j)\) = cheapest way to multiply together \(M_i\) through \(M_j\)

  • If \(Best(i,j)\) is in memory, read it and done

\(Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)

  • Read \(\color{green}{Best(i,k)}\) and/or \(\color{magenta}{Best(k+1,j)}\) from memory, if available
  • Save computed \(Best(i,j)\) to memory


\(Best(1,n) = \min \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,n)} + r_1r_2c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,n)} + r_1r_3c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,3)} + {\color{magenta}Best(4,n)} + r_1r_4c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,4)} + {\color{magenta}Best(5,n)} + r_1r_5c_n \\ \ldots \\ {\color{green}Best(1,n-1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(n,n)} + r_1r_nc_n \\ \end{cases}\)

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

In general:

\(Best(i,j)\) = cheapest way to multiply together \(M_i\) through \(M_j\)

  • If \(Best(i,j)\) is in memory, read it and done

\(Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( \color{green}{Best(i,k)} + \color{magenta}{Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)

  • Read \(\color{green}{Best(i,k)}\) and/or \(\color{magenta}{Best(k+1,j)}\) from memory, if available
  • Save computed \(Best(i,j)\) to memory


\(Best(1,n) = \min \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,n)} + r_1r_2c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,n)} + r_1r_3c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,3)} + {\color{magenta}Best(4,n)} + r_1r_4c_n \\ {\color{green}Best(1,4)} + {\color{magenta}Best(5,n)} + r_1r_5c_n \\ \ldots \\ {\color{green}Best(1,n-1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(n,n)} + r_1r_nc_n \\ \end{cases}\)

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 1
0 2
0 3 \(=i\)
0 4
0 5
0 6

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(\small Best(1,2) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} \ \\ \ \\ {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,2)} + r_1r_2c_2 \\ \ \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\)
\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 1
0 2
0 3 \(=i\)
0 4
0 5
0 6

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(\small Best(2,3) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} \ \\ \ \\ {\color{green}Best(2,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,3)} + r_2r_3c_3 \\ \ \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\)
\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 1
0 2625 2
0 3 \(=i\)
0 4
0 5
0 6

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 1
0 2625 2
0 750 3 \(=i\)
0 1000 4
0 5000 5
0 6

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(r_1r_2c_3=30 \cdot 35 \cdot 5=5250\)

\(r_1r_3c_3=30 \cdot 15 \cdot 5=2250\)


\(\small Best(1,3) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} \ (\text{below: }0+2625+5250=7875) \\ {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,3)} + r_1r_2c_3 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,3)} + r_1r_3c_3 \\ \ (\text{above: }15750+0+2250=18000) \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\)

\(\small Best(1,3) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} \ \\ {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,3)} + r_1r_2c_3 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,3)} + r_1r_3c_3 \\ \ \\ \ \\ \end{cases}\)

\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750


0 2625 2
0 750 3 \(=i\)
0 1000 4
0 5000 5
0 6

3. Select a good order for solving subproblems

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

To find \(Best(i,j)\): need all preceeding terms of row \(i\) and column \(j\)

(In other words, everything below and to the left)

Conclusion: solve in order of diagonal

\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 7875 1
0 2625 2
0 750 3 \(=i\)
0 1000 4
0 5000 5
0 6

Matrix Chaining

\(30\) \(M_1\)
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(\small Best(1,6) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,6)} + r_1r_2c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,6)} + r_1r_3c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,3)} + {\color{magenta}Best(4,6)} + r_1r_4c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,4)} + {\color{magenta}Best(5,6)} + r_1r_5c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,5)} + {\color{magenta}Best(6,6)} + r_1r_6c_6 \\ \end{cases}\)

\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 7875 9375 11875


0 2625 4375 7125 10500 2
0 750 2500 5375 3 \(=i\)
0 1000 3500 4
0 5000 5
0 6

Run Time

  1. Initialize \(Best[i,i]\) to be all 0s
  2. Starting at each main diagonal, working to the upper-right, fill in each cell using:
  • \(\small Best[i,i]=0\)
  • \(\small \begin{align} Best[i,j] = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} ( & {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + \\ & {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)} + \\ & r_ir_{k+1}c_j ) \end{align}\)

\(\Theta(n^2)\) cells in the array


\(\Theta(n)\) options for each cell


(\(n\) is the number of matrices)

Each “call” to \(Best(i,j)\) is an
\(O(1)\) memory lookup

\(\Theta(n^3)\) overall run time

Backtrack to find the best order

“Remember” which choice of \(k\) was the minimum at each cell


\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(\small Best(1,6) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,6)} + r_1r_2c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,6)} + r_1r_3c_6 \\ {\color{red}Best(1,3) + Best(4,6) + r_1r_4c_6} \\ {\color{green}Best(1,4)} + {\color{magenta}Best(5,6)} + r_1r_5c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,5)} + {\color{magenta}Best(6,6)} + r_1r_6c_6 \\ \end{cases}\)
\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 7875
9375 11875 15125
0 2625 4375 7125 10500 2
0 750 2500 5375 3 \(=i\)
0 1000 3500
0 5000 5
0 6

Matrix Chaining

\(30\) \(M_1\)
 \(\times\) (
\(35\) \(M_2\)
\(15\) \(M_3\)
) ) \(\times\) ( (
\(5\) \(M_4\)
\(10\) \(M_5\)
) \(\times\)
\(20\) \(M_6\)

\(\scriptsize Best(i,j) = \min_{k=i}^{j-1} \left( {\color{green}Best(i,k)} + {\color{magenta}Best(k+1,j)}+r_ir_{k+1}c_j \right)\)
\(\scriptsize Best(i,i)=0\)

\(\small Best(1,6) = \min\)
\(\small \begin{cases} {\color{green}Best(1,1)} + {\color{magenta}Best(2,6)} + r_1r_2c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,2)} + {\color{magenta}Best(3,6)} + r_1r_3c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,3)} + {\color{magenta}Best(4,6)} + r_1r_4c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,4)} + {\color{magenta}Best(5,6)} + r_1r_5c_6 \\ {\color{green}Best(1,5)} + {\color{magenta}Best(6,6)} + r_1r_6c_6 \\ \end{cases}\)
\(j=\) \(1\) \(2\) \(3\) \(4\) \(5\) \(6\)
0 15750 7875
9375 11875 15125
0 2625 4375 7125 10500 2
0 750 2500 5375 3 \(=i\)
0 1000 3500
0 5000 5
0 6

Storing and Recovering Optimal Solution

  • Maintain table choice[i,j] in addition to Best table
    • choice[i,j] = k means the best “split” was right after \(M_k\)
    • Work backwards from value for whole problem, choice[1,n]
    • Note: choice[i,i+1] = i because there are just 2 matrices
  • From our example:
    • choice[1,6] = 3. So \([M_1 \times M_2 \times M_3] \times [M_4 \times M_5 \times M_6]\)
    • We then need choice[1,3] = 1. So \([M_1 \times (M_2 \times M_3)]\)
    • Also need choice[4,6] = 5. So \([(M_4 \times M_5) \times M_6]\)
    • Overall: \([M_1 \times (M_2 \times M_3)] \times [(M_4 \times M_5) \times M_6]\)

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Making Change

Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14


Remember change making?

Given access to unlimited quantities of pennies, nickels, dimes, toms, and quarters (worth value 1, 5, 10, 11, 25 respectively), give 90 cents change using the fewest number of coins.


Remember: Greedy Change Making Algorithm

  • Given: target value \(x\), list of coins \(C=[c_1, \ldots, c_n]\)
    • For the US, \(C=[1,5,10,25]\)
  • Repeatedly select the largest coin less than the remaining target value


  • while ( x > 0 )
    • let \(c = \max(c_i \in C | c_i \le x)\)
    • print \(c\)
    • \(x=x-c\)

Observation: We can rewrite this to take \(\lfloor n/c \rfloor\) copies of the next largest coin at each step, and reduce \(x\) by \(c \cdot \lfloor n/c \rfloor\). Also avoid call to max() by choosing next \(c_i\) from largest to smallest (sort \(C\) first).

Greedy Solution

90 cents


Correct Solution

90 cents

Why does greedy always work for US coins?

  • If \(x<5\), then pennies only
    • Else 5 pennies can be exchanged for a nickel
    • Only case where Greedy uses pennies
  • If \(x \le 5 < 10\), we must have a nickel
    • Else 2 nickels can be exchanged for a dime
    • Only case where Greedy uses nickels
  • If \(10 \le x < 25\), we must have at least 1 dime
    • Else 3 dimes can be exchanged for a quarter and a nickel
    • Only case where Greedy uses dimes
  • If \(x \ge 25\), we must have at least 1 quarter
    • Only case where Greedy uses quarters

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Change(n)\): minimum number of coins needed to give change for \(n\) cents

for last coin
Coins needed When to do
\(Change(n-25)+1\) if \(n \ge 25\)
\(Change(n-11)+1\) if \(n \ge 11\)
\(Change(n-10)+1\) if \(n \ge 10\)
\(Change(n-5)+1\) if \(n \ge 5\)
\(Change(n-1)+1\) if \(n \ge 1\)

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

\(Change(n)\): minimum number of coins needed to give change for cents

\[Change(n) = \min \begin{cases} Change(n-25)+1 \text{ if } n \ge 25 \\ Change(n-11)+1 \text{ if } n \ge 11 \\ Change(n-10)+1 \text{ if } n \ge 10 \\ Change(n-5)+1 \text{ if } n \ge 5 \\ Change(n-1)+1 \text{ if } n \ge 1 \\ \end{cases}\]

Correctness: The optimal solution must be contained in one of these configurations

Base Case: \(Change(0)=0\)

Running time: \(O(k \cdot n)\)

Is this efficient?

Input size is \(O(k \log n)\)

\(k\) is the number of coins

No, this is pseudo-polynomial time

Seam Carving

Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14

Seam Carving

Method for image resizing that doesn’t scale/crop the image


Removes a “block” of pixels


Removes “stripes” of pixels

(There are more visually pleasing ways to scale images)

Seam Carving

Removes “least energy seam” of pixels


Seam Carving

Method for image resizing that doesn’t scale/crop the image

Cropped Scaled Carved

Seattle Skyline

Energy of a Seam

  • Sum of the energies of each pixel
    • \(e(p)=\) energy of pixel \(p\)


  • Many choices for pixel energy
    • Change of gradient (how much the color of this pixel differs from its neighbors)
    • Shortest path (more color change means more distance)
    • Particular choice doesn’t matter, we use it as a “black box”


  • Restriction: seam pixels go up or diagonally up, not to the side
  • Goal: find least-energy seam to remove

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

Let \({\color{red}S(i,j)}=\) least energy seam from the bottom of the image up to pixel \(p_{i,j}\)





Computing \(\color{pink}S(n,k)\)

Assume we know the least energy seams for all of row \(n-1\) (i.e., we know \(S(n-1,\ell)\) for all \(\ell\))





Computing \(\color{pink}S(n,k)\)

Assume we know the least energy seams for all of row \(n-1\) (i.e., we know \(S(n-1,\ell)\) for all \(\ell\))


\[{\color{red}S(n,k)} = \min \begin{cases} {\color{blue}S(n-1,k-1)} & + e(p_{n,k}) \\ {\color{purple}S(n-1,k)} & + e(p_{n,k}) \\ {\color{magenta}S(n-1,k+1)} & + e(p_{n,k}) \\ \end{cases}\]

Finding the Least Energy Seam

Want to delete the least energy seam going from bottom to top, so delete: \(\min_{k=1}^m({\color{red}S(n,k)})\)





Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Computing \(\color{pink}S(n,k)\)

Assume we know the least energy seams for all of row \(n-1\) (i.e., we know \(S(n-1,\ell)\) for all \(\ell\))


\[{\color{red}S(n,k)} = \min \begin{cases} {\color{blue}S(n-1,k-1)} & + e(p_{n,k}) \\ {\color{purple}S(n-1,k)} & + e(p_{n,k}) \\ {\color{magenta}S(n-1,k+1)} & + e(p_{n,k}) \\ \end{cases}\]

Finding the Least Energy Seam

Want to delete the least energy seam going from bottom to top, so delete: \(\min_{k=1}^m({\color{red}S(n,k)})\)





Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Bring It All Together

Start from bottom of image (row 1), solve up to top
Initialize \(S(1,k)=e(p_{1,k})\) for each pixel in row 1 \(\color{green}\Theta(m)\)
For \(i \ge 2\) find \({\color{red}S(n,k)} = \min \begin{cases} {\color{purple}S(n-1,k-1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{blue}S(n-1,k)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{magenta}S(n-1,k+1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ \end{cases}\) \(\color{red}\Theta(n \cdot m)\)
Pick min \(\color{red}S(n,k)\) from top row, backtrack, deleting pixels \(\Theta(n+m)\)
Energy of the seam initialized to the energy of that pixel

Bring It All Together

Start from bottom of image (row 1), solve up to top
Initialize \(S(1,k)=e(p_{1,k})\) for each pixel \(p_{1,k}\) \(\color{green}\Theta(m)\)
For \(i \ge 2\) find \({\color{red}S(i,k)} = \min \begin{cases} {\color{purple}S(i-1,k-1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{blue}S(i-1,k)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{magenta}S(i-1,k+1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ \end{cases}\) \(\color{red}\Theta(n \cdot m)\)
Pick min \(\color{red}S(n,k)\) from top row, backtrack, deleting pixels \(\Theta(n+m)\)
Energy of the seam initialized to the energy of that pixel

Finding the Seam

Start from bottom of image (row 1), solve up to top
Initialize \(S(1,k)=e(p_{1,k})\) for each pixel \(p_{1,k}\) \(\color{green}\Theta(m)\)
For \(i \ge 2\) find \({\color{red}S(i,k)} = \min \begin{cases} {\color{purple}S(i-1,k-1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{blue}S(i-1,k)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{magenta}S(i-1,k+1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ \end{cases}\) \(\color{red}\Theta(n \cdot m)\)
Pick min \(\color{red}S(n,k)\) from top row, backtrack, deleting pixels \(\Theta(n+m)\)
Energy of the seam initialized to the energy of that pixel

Run Time?

Start from bottom of image (row 1), solve up to top
Initialize \(S(1,k)=e(p_{1,k})\) for each pixel \(p_{1,k}\)


For \(i \ge 2\) find \({\color{red}S(i,k)} = \min \begin{cases} {\color{purple}S(i-1,k-1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{blue}S(i-1,k)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ {\color{magenta}S(i-1,k+1)} & + e(p_{i,k}) \\ \end{cases}\)

\(\color{red}\Theta(n \cdot m)\)

Pick min \(\color{red}S(n,k)\) from top row, backtrack, deleting pixels


Energy of the seam initialized to the energy of that pixel

Repeated Seam Removal

Only need to update pixels dependant on the removed seam

\(2n\) pixels change

\(\Theta(2n)\) time to update pixels

\(\Theta(n+m)\) to find min+backtrack

Longest Common Subsequence

Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14, specifically 14.4

Longest Common Subsequence

Given two sequences \(X\) and \(Y\), find the length of their longest common subsequence



Brute force: compare every subsequence of \(X\) with \(Y\): \(\Omega(2^n)\)

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

1. Identify the Recursive Structure of the Problem

Let \(LCS(i.j)=\) length of the LCS for the first \(i\) characters of \(X\), first \(j\) characters of \(Y\)

Find \(\color{magenta}LCS(i,j)\):

Case 1: \(\color{magenta}X[i]=Y[j]\)



Case 2: \(\color{magenta}X[i]\ne Y[j]\)





\[LCS(i,j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0 \\ {\color{green}LCS(i-1,j-1)+1} & \text{if } X[i]=Y[j] \\ {\color{blue}\max(LCS(i,j-1),LCS(i-1,j))} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}\]

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Top-Down Solution with Memoization

We need two functions; one will be recursive

  • LCS-Length(X, Y): // Y is M’s cols.
    • n = length(X)
    • m = length(Y)
    • Create table M[n,m]
    • Assign -1 to all cells M[i,j]
    • // get value for entire sequences
    • return LCS-recur(X, Y, M, n, m)


if \(i=0\) or \(j=0\)
if \(X[i]=Y[j]\)
  • LCS-recur(X, Y, M, i, j):
    • if (i == 0 || j == 0) return 0
    • // have we already calculated
    • // this subproblem?
    • if ( M[i,j] != -1 ) return M[i,j]
    • if ( X[i] == Y[j] )
      • M[i,j] = LCS-recur(X, Y, M, i-1, j-1) + 1
    • else // X[i] != Y[j]
      • M[i,j] = max( LCS-recur(X, Y, M, i-1, j),
        • LCS-recur(X, Y, M, i, j-1) )
    • return M[i,j]

Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Solve in a Good Order

\[\scriptstyle LCS(i,j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0 \\ {\color{green}LCS(i-1,j-1)+1} & \text{if } X[i]=Y[j] \\ {\color{blue}\max(LCS(i,j-1),LCS(i-1,j))} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}\]

To fill in cell \((i,j)\) we need cells \((i-1,j-1)\), \((i-1,j)\), and \((i,j-1)\) Fill from top → bottom, left → right (with any preference)

LCS Length Algorithm: Bottom-Up

  • LCS-Length(X, Y) // Y for M’s rows, X for its columns
    • n = length(X) // get the length of X
    • m = length(Y) // get the length of Y
    • for i = 1 to n: M[i,0] = 0 // special case: X0
    • for j = 1 to m: M[0,j] = 0 // special case: Y0
    • for i = 1 to n: // for all Xi
      • for j = 1 to m: // for all Yj
        • if ( X[i] == Y[j] )
          • M[i,j] = M[i-1,j-1] + 1
        • else
          • M[i,j] = max( M[i-1,j], M[i,j-1] )
    • return M[n,m] // return LCS length for Y and X

Run Time?

\[\scriptstyle LCS(i,j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0 \\ {\color{green}LCS(i-1,j-1)+1} & \text{if } X[i]=Y[j] \\ {\color{blue}\max(LCS(i,j-1),LCS(i-1,j))} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}\]

Run time: \(\Theta(n \cdot m)\) (for \(|X|=n\), \(|Y|=m\))

Reconstructing the LCS example 1

\[\scriptstyle LCS(i,j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0 \\ {\color{green}LCS(i-1,j-1)+1} & \text{if } X[i]=Y[j] \\ {\color{blue}\max(LCS(i,j-1),LCS(i-1,j))} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}\]

Start from bottom right,
if symbols matched, print that symbol then go diagonally,
else go to largest adjacent

Reconstructing the LCS example 2

\[\scriptstyle LCS(i,j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0 \\ {\color{green}LCS(i-1,j-1)+1} & \text{if } X[i]=Y[j] \\ {\color{blue}\max(LCS(i,j-1),LCS(i-1,j))} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}\]

Start from bottom right,
if symbols matched, print that symbol then go diagonally,
else go to largest adjacent

Reconstructing the LCS example 3

\[\scriptstyle LCS(i,j) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } i=0 \text{ or } j=0 \\ {\color{green}LCS(i-1,j-1)+1} & \text{if } X[i]=Y[j] \\ {\color{blue}\max(LCS(i,j-1),LCS(i-1,j))} & \text{otherwise} \\ \end{cases}\]

Start from bottom right,
if symbols matched, print that symbol then go diagonally,
else go to largest adjacent


Readings in CLRS 4th edition: chapter 14


  • Manipulating electoral district boundaries to favor one political party over others
  • Coined in an 1812 Political cartoon
  • Governor Elbridge Gerry signed a bill that redistricted Massachusetts to benefit his Democratic-Republican Party

According to the Supreme Court

  • Gerrymandering cannot be used to:
    • Disadvantage racial/ethnic/religious groups
  • It can be used to:
    • Disadvantage political parties

Virginia’s 5th District (until 2023)

Virginia’s 5th District in 2018

Votes Percent
165,339 53.3%
145,040 46.7%

End of VA gerrymandering

  • A 2020 state constitutional amendment changed how the state sets districts
  • The redistricting committee:
    • Four state senators, two from each party
    • Four state house delegate members, two from each party
    • Eight citizens
  • It’s voted on, but not changeable by, the general assembly
    • The governor is not involved at all
  • It passed with 65.69% of the vote

Virginia’s 5th District (today)


Virginia’s congressional districts (today)

Gerrymandering Today

Pennsylvania 2018 controversy

Math and CS professors have been asked to testify in court as to the difficulty in creating some of these districts


“Wesley Pegden, professor of mathematical sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, proved that Pennsylvania’s congressional map was a partisan gerrymander—in fact, he showed that if you made trillions of districtings by making small random perturbations to the map, 99.9999999% of them of them would be fairer than the existing map, a property which is mathematically impossible to be typical for a Congressional districting, regardless of the political geography of a state. His expert testimony during a lawsuit led to the Pennsylvania supreme court throwing out the old map.” https://www.heinz.cmu.edu/media/2018/October/wes-pegden-gerrymandering

How does it work?

  • States are broken into precincts
  • All precincts have the same size
  • We know voting preferences of each precinct
  • Group precincts into districts to maximize the number of districts won by my party
  • Consider the district to the right; 5 different ways to split up the voters
    • Upper left: 0 yellow, 5 blue
    • Upper right: 3 yellow, 2 blue
    • Both lower: 2 yellow, 3 blue

How does it work?

  • States are broken into precincts
  • All precincts have the same size
  • We know voting preferences of each precinct
  • Group precincts into districts to maximize the number of districts won by my party
A: 217, B: 183
A: 65
B: 35
A: 45
B: 55
A: 60
B: 40
A: 47
B: 53
\(D_1\) \(D_2\)
A: 125 A: 92
A: 65
B: 35
A: 45
B: 55
A: 60
B: 40
A: 47
B: 53
\(D_1\) \(D_2\)
A: 112 A: 105
A: 65
B: 35
A: 45
B: 55
A: 47
B: 53
A: 60
B: 40

Gerrymandering problem statement

  • Given:
    • A list of \(n\) precincts: \(p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_n\)
    • Each containing \(m\) voters
    • Total of \(m \cdot n\) voters
  • Output:
    • Districts \({\color{magenta}D_1}, {\color{green}D_2} \subset \{ p_1,p_2,\ldots,p_{n} \}\)
    • Where \(|{\color{magenta}D_1}| = |{\color{green}D_2}|\)
    • \(S({\color{magenta}D_1})>\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\) and \(S({\color{green}D_2})>\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\)
      • \(S(D_i)\) is the number (size) of voters of your party in \(D_i\)
      • \(S(D_i)>\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\) means \(D_i\) is majority your party
    • “Failure” if no possible solution
Valid Gerrymandering!


\(\frac{m \cdot n}{4}=m \cdot \frac{n}{2} \cdot \frac{1}{2}\)


\(\color{magenta}D_1\) \(\color{forestgreen}D_2\)
\(\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\) \(\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\)
\(\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\) \(\frac{m \cdot n}{4}\)


Dynamic Programming

  • Requires Optimal Substructure
    • Solution to larger problem contains the (optimal) solutions to smaller ones
  • Idea:
    1. Identify recursive structure of the problem
      • What is the “last thing” done?
    2. Save the solution to each subproblem in memory
    3. Select a good order for solving subproblems
      • “Top Down”: Solve each recursively
      • “Bottom Up”: Iteratively solve smallest to largest

Consider the last precinct

After assigning first
\(n-1\) precincts
\(k\) precincts
\(x\) voters for \(R\)
\(y\) voters for \(R\)

If we
\(p_n \text{ to } D_1\)


If we
\(p_n \text{ to } D_2\)

\(k+1\) precincts
\(x+S(p_n)\) voters for \(R\)

Valid gerrymandering
if: \(k+1=\frac{n}{2}\) (or \(\frac{n}{2}+1\)), \(x+S(p_n), y > \frac{mn}{4}\)

\(n-k\) precincts
\(y+S(p_n)\) voters for \(R\)

Valid gerrymandering
if: \(n-k=\frac{n}{2}\) (or \(\frac{n}{2}+1\)), \(x,y+S(p_n) > \frac{mn}{4}\)

\(k+1\) precincts
\(x+S(p_n)\) voters for \(R\)
\(n-k-1\) precincts
\(y\) voters for \(R\)
Valid gerrymandering if: \(k+1=\frac{n}{2}\) (or \(\frac{n}{2}+1\)),
\(x+S(p_n), y > \frac{mn}{4}\)
World One
\(k\) precincts
\(x\) voters for \(R\)
\(n-k\) precincts
\(y+S(p_n)\) voters for \(R\)
Valid gerrymandering if: \(n-k=\frac{n}{2}\) (or \(\frac{n}{2}+1\)),
\(x,y+S(p_n) > \frac{mn}{4}\)
World Two

Define Recursive Structure

\(S(j,k,x,y) = \text{True}\) if from among the first \(j\) precincts:
\(k\) are assigned to \(\color{magenta}D_1\)
exactly \(x\) vote for R in \(\color{magenta}D_1\)
exactly \(y\) vote for R in \(\color{green}D_2\)

\(\color{red}n \times n \times mn \times mn\)


4D Dynamic programming!

True here means that this is a valid state of the world, not a valid gerrymander!

Two ways to satisfy \(S(j,k,x,y)\)

\(k-1\) precincts
\(x-S(P_j)\) voters for \(R\)
\(j-k\) precincts
\(y\) voters for \(R\)
\(k\) precincts
\(x\) voters for \(R\)
\(j-k-1\) precincts
\(y-S(p_j)\) voters for \(R\)

Then assign
\(p_j\) to \(D_1\)



Then assign
\(p_j\) to \(D_2\)

\(S(j,k,x,y)\) true if:
    from among the first \(j\) precincts
    \(k\) are assigned to \(\color{magenta}D_1\)
    exactly \(x\) vote for \(R\) in \(\color{magenta}D_1\)
    exactly \(y\) vote for \(R\) in \(\color{green}D_2\)
\(k\) precincts
\(x\) voters for \(R\)
\(j-k\) precincts
\(y\) voters for \(R\)

\[S(j,k,x,y) = {\color{magenta}S(j-1,k-1,x-S(p_j),y)} \vee {\color{green}S(j-1,k,x,y-S(p_j))}\]

Final Algorithm

\[\small S(j,k,x,y) = {\color{magenta}S(j-1,k-1,x-S(p_j),y)} \vee {\color{green}S(j-1,k,x,y-S(p_j))}\]

  • Initialize \(S(0,0,0,0) = \text{True}\)
  • for \(j=1,\ldots,n\):
    • for \(k=1,\ldots,\min(j,\frac{n}{2})\):
      • for \(x=1,\ldots,j \cdot m\):
        • for \(y=1,\ldots,j \cdot m\):
\(S(j,k,x,y)\) true if:
    from among the first \(j\) precincts
    \(k\) are assigned to \(\color{magenta}D_1\)
    exactly \(x\) vote for \(R\) in \(\color{magenta}D_1\)
    exactly \(y\) vote for \(R\) in \(\color{green}D_2\)

\[\begin{align} S(j,k,x,y) = & {\color{magenta}S(j-1,k-1,x-S(p_j),y)} \vee \\ & {\color{green}S(j-1,k,x,y-S(p_j))} \end{align}\]

Search for True entry at \(S \left( n, \frac{n}{2}, >\frac{m \cdot n}{4}, >\frac{m \cdot n}{4} \right)\)

Gerrymander Run Time

\[\small S(j,k,x,y) = {\color{magenta}S(j-1,k-1,x-S(p_j),y)} \vee {\color{green}S(j-1,k,x,y-S(p_j))}\]

  • Initialize \(S(0,0,0,0) = \text{True}\)
  • for \(j=1,\ldots,n\):
    • for \(k=1,\ldots,\min(j,\frac{n}{2})\):
      • for \(x=1,\ldots,j \cdot m\):
        • for \(y=1,\ldots,j \cdot m\):
  • \(\color{red}n\)
  • \(\color{red}n/2\)
  • \(\color{red}n \cdot m\)
  • \(\color{red}n \cdot m\)

\[\begin{align} S(j,k,x,y) = & {\color{magenta}S(j-1,k-1,x-S(p_j),y)} \vee \\ & {\color{green}S(j-1,k,x,y-S(p_j))} \end{align}\]

Total run time: \(\Theta(n^4m^2)\)


  • Input: list of precincts (size \(n\)), number of voters (integer \(m\))
  • Runtime depends on the value of \(m\), not size of \(m\)
    • Run time is exponential in size of input
      • Input size is \(n+|m|=n+\log m\)
  • Note: Gerrymandering is NP-Complete

Gerrymandering Font
