CS4102 - Final Quiz Attempts: Topics and Information

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Document Version: 1.0, 12/9/2021

Final exam period:

During the final exam period, you can re-attempt any of the 10 quizzes from the semester to try to earn a higher grade on that quiz. The quizzes will be like any of the previous attempts: same topics as before, same length and format etc. (While in principle you can attempt all 10 quizzes, there probably isn’t enough time to complete them all.)

When: Tues., 12/14, 7:00-10:00 PM

Where: Not in your usual classroom!

Important: if you plan to take quizzes, please complete this form telling us which ones you might take. This will help us make sure we have enough copies. Complete the form by noon, Monday, Dec. 13. Thanks!

Do I Have to Arrive at the Start of the Time Period?

On Tuesday, 12/14, it’s OK with us if you arrive later than 7:00 pm. Perhaps you only have one or two exams to complete. Everyone must be finished by 10 PM. (If everyone finishes before that time, the instructors will leave before 10 PM.)

Conflicts or Issues with Our Final Exam Period

Some of you may need to take quizzes at one of two alternative times. Read the following carefully. You can take it at an alternate time if:

If you meet one of these criteria, there will only be two other days and times you can take CS4102 quizzes:

If you believe you meet one of the conditions above and want to take the exam at one of these other two times, complete this form by Sunday, 12/12 at noon. We’ll email you back to tell you we’ve approved your request and give you details about where to go.

Away From Grounds?

We’d like everyone to take quizzes under supervision in a classroom here. But if you won’t be on Grounds, explain that in form listed above. If we are OK with your explanation, then we will allow you to take them remotely. But you must take them in one of the time-periods given above.

Office Hours:

Good luck on CS4102 quizzes and all else you have going! When it’s all done, have a wonderful break! Stay well and safe! Happy Holidays!

Oh yeah: please complete the course evaluation before midnight on Fri., 12/10. :-)